A Family Affair Too - Trevor and Adam Stubley

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Irish Myths & Legends
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Irish Myths & Legends

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The Barra Buach by Trevor Stubley
The Barra Buach

Irish Myths and Legends

Images from Sean O'Connell

Sean O'Connell (1853-1931) was one of Ireland's greatest storytellers. Although he never went to school, and spoke only Irish, his phenomenal memory enabled him to relate over 150 folk tales which were later translated into English. He lived his entire life in the tiny hamlet of Cill Rialaig on the shores of Co Kerry in South-West Ireland, where he scraped a living as a fisherman and small-time farmer.

The Prince of the Eastern World by Trevor Stubley
The Prince of the Eastern World
The Mirror (The Wish) by Trevor Stubley
The Mirror (The Wish)

The stories O'Connell told are tales of magic. Crows converse with kings; a bull by day, becomes a man at night; and vice versa. Sometimes the stories are violent and bloody, sometimes plain silly, but throughout they are rich in visual imagery for the artist

Cill Rialaig fell derelict during the famine, but in recent times six of the cottages have been renovated as a Retreat where international artists are offered living/working accommodation rent-free for a period of time, and all that is asked of them, is that they donate one piece of work on leaving.

Trevor Stubley was invited to work at the retreat in April/May 2001. It was here that 0'Connell's storytelling was first drawn to Trevor's attention. He will be working there again later this year.

The Origin Gallery in Dublin, which is run by Noelle Campbell-Sharp, founder of the Cill Rialaig Arts Project, is to host an exhibition of Trevor's new O'Connell paintings. "In the Parish of Nowhere" opens in September.

He had a Great Court by Trevor Stubley
He had a Great Court

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